Welcome to my garden...I have been wanting to have a party now for about 3 weeks. Won't you come on over and join the tour and don't forgot to link back to where it all began at a Soft Place to Land. I have found that my whole garden is one big on going project since we moved here three summers ago. (regulars I know some of these will be retreads)....sorry I just couldn't resist the party :)
Here we are at the entry to the house which is surrounded by a courtyard.
Now we will head out back via the side yard garden....
These nine foot trellises were put up by my son on either side of our property the first summer we moved in. I know my neighbors were wondering what in the world....now they have weathered a nice silver grey and the roses are starting to really climb up them and are doing their thing. Providing beauty and privacy. Of coarse it helped to get the block wall in last summer.