Saturday, December 3, 2011

The Culture (Mexico Part III)

 When we got off the beaten path the real fun began.  As we wandered around the marina we stumbled into a place that offered a 90 minute swim with dolphins.
   Three of the guys were up for it.  Dan had a great time especially in the free swim.
 We came back later that night and had dinner at Tacos El Muelle.  There was no menu.  The new owners simply started cooking sopes (that looked like these below)

with lots of different yummy toppings. They made us salads, delicious fresh grilled fish and shrimp. They made some yummy cinnamon bread like dessert served with cinnamon flavored Mexican coffee.  We were their main customers and they served us like kings and queens
 The owner and cook Fernado Torves who was an ex reality TV show host in Mexico City and below his lovely wife who was a TV news announcer went all out.  Here they are two weeks into their new business.
 We had fancier meals in lovely restaurants but this truly was a magical night with the most gracious of hosts.  We could have been eating in their private home.  Hospitality is definitely a gift of the Mexican people.
 Another evening at the marina in down town Puerto Vallarta
We enjoyed guacamole made table side by a shy young man
   Below was another gracious host/owner Christian Omar Romero@Tequila Guacamole who went completely out of his way to please us as customers. 
My fresh fish dinner that night as he promised was absolutely delicious...yum!!!

On our last day we took one more quick trip downtown.  In the square I found an amazing local artist that gave me some inspiration to tackle some of our local vineyard scenes. This was a commission for an American couple.

In the center square is a beautiful old church Our Lady of Guadalupe
gorgeous crown on top of the building

This is a view of the Marriott we stayed at for the last weekend.

Not nearly as upscale as our weekday resort, but non the less not too shabby.
poolside as the sun was setting
The hotel served a fabulous morning buffet.  I was intrigued with the local fare of fresh chips, steamed with salsa and topped with cheese, guacamole, fresh cilantro and a fried egg for breakfast.
I think this was fresh guava
Quesadilla with sautéed squash blossoms and fried plantains served on a freshly made tortilla with a side of spicy chili sauce was another intriguing breakfast selection.
the evening view
My last moment in the Mexican sun.  I cannot believe how much I enjoyed my visit to the Mexican Rivera.  I will return someday soon I hope...sooner than later. 

You are probably sick by now of my Mexican vacation, but hopefully I have finally got it out of my system for a bit and can now regroup and focus on Christmas ...


Sara at Come Away With Me said...

No, I'm not sick of it yet...I've enjoyed your tour of the Mexican Riviera. It's not that far away from me, but I've never been! So I'm experiencing it all vicariously here on your blog.

Vee said...

Nothing to get sick of's all so beautiful and exotic with the wonderful sights and foods. Hmmmm... How fun to be in on an early night in that young couple's career as restaurant owners. Fantastic!

Barbara said...

You were certainly well fed and I would have loved to have been swimming in that pool just as the sun was setting.

Knitting Mania said...

Loved it all, most of all hearing your stories over Thanksgiving!

So glad you had one of the best vacations ever, you guys deserved it.

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