Mat 11:28-30 “Are you tired? Worn out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you'll recover your life. I'll show you how to take a real rest.
Walk with me and work with me--watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won't lay anything heavy or ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you'll learn to live freely and lightly." The Message
Three or four years ago when my family and I went to The Cannon Beach Christian Conference Center, I found this scripture on the flyer in our room. It was kind of embarrassing. We had come with another family and they were all hanging out in our room when I read this scripture and just started to weep. Something deep deep down in my spirit was hit, and hit hard. I was trying to grasp what an unforced rhythm of grace would possibly look like in my life. Grace or graciousness were not exactly how I would have ever described myself, compound that with unforced rhythms? There was definitely something here I needed to grasp… For a while now every time I read that scripture, I have sensed the cry of my spirit saying, "Get this one figured out." So I have been asking God to show me, and teach me about Unforced Rhythms of Grace. It has been a long journey, and I still have much to learn. The other day a friend and I were talking, and she was sharing with me about some dryness in her walk with God. As we were talking I happened to mention that one thing I had learned recently from my pastor, that rest was a weapon. Well her eyes just popped. What do you mean? Well out came this passage of scripture,and how I thought there was a connection. Later she asked me what did I know about this Unforced Rhythms of Grace. I had a hard time explaining to her what I knew. So here is an attempt to focus my thoughts.
I think I know more about what it is not than what it is:
1. not losing my patience with store clerks and people who steal my parking spots.
2. not being anal about my messy family
3. not jumping into a good idea full speed ahead of God’s timing and green flag
4. not worrying about….
5. not to hold on to my expectations about life, and people
6. not to look at the glass half empty
7. not to manipulate situations or people
What I do know:
1. To watch what He does and do it His way, not mine.
2. Walk with Him, not down my own path.
3. Get close enough to Him so I can hear the rhythm of His heartbeat to pace myself to follow His stride.
4. To use rest as a weapon, and spend that time simply waiting on Him.
5. That to wait on Him saves me an others a lot of grief.
6. to trust God in the middle of the storm, especially if he said get in the boat
What does,“Unforced Rhythms of Grace” mean to you?
Feeling peace and contentment no matter what the situations of life are.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I'm so glad you are blogging. You are doing great.
Being aware that we walk as one with the Father... just walking with Him is a beautiful rhythm of grace...
Thank you so much for stopping by my Ultimate Party post. I am amazed at the amount and quality of women God has put in my life since June, when I began with blogging journey, especially those with prodigal chidren or other family members. It has been such a blessing. I want to take time to read more of your writing - this one day is so beautiful, and I can relate in so many ways to your first list especially!
I scrolled down and saw all of your beautiful pictures. Lovely way to start Friday of a very tough week for us. Come back, please!
Cindy Thank you for comeing by and I read this I am still struggling but I am allowing God the control and working on other things along the way last August I started a web site that has helpped me more than I imagined it would but there are still times when I get in to that unwinable tug of war with God and I have to get coverd in mud to realize that I tried to hurry things along. I am always saying God is never late He does things in his time and not ours. God Bless you and Thank you. come check out the site
tell me what you think it is good to know if I am doing things that will help people on the way.
Wow....What a beautiful post. Thanks so much fo sharing that.
This is exactly where I am right now. My husband and I are stepping out on another journey with God, and I am having a hard time waiting on Him, and not trying to hurry Him along. The Lord has worked in my life many many times, but I guess He is stretching me in a new direction, one that will better me, but its tough. Thanks for stopping by my blog.
I love your transparency and the way you wrap encouragement into the truth!
Thanks for sharing!
Your blog was recently sent to me by a friend of your sister. :) [The friend is my son's preschool teacher assistant.] It is a refreshing blog. I have enjoyed reading through it.
For me, one "unforced rhythm of grace" that I have been learning since January is to not speak more words than are necessary. To step back after being obedient and let my Creator continue a work that He asked me to start. To rest in my spirit. To heed the Spirit when He urges me to pray, even if I don't know what to pray.
Didn't say that the friend who sent me your blog is Connie Moore. :)
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